El aluminio A95005 es una aleación de aluminio que se utiliza para una amplia variedad de aplicaciones, incluida la construcción de vehículos, la fabricación de carteles publicitarios y señalización, y la construcción naval. Es una aleación muy popular debido a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas y alta resistencia a la corrosión. En este post vamos a profundizar en el 3.3315 hablando de su composición, propiedades físicas y mecánicas, sus usos, así como de su capacidad de mecanizado y resistencia a la corrosión.
Aluminio 5005 Composición
A95005 is an aluminum alloy, composed of 99% aluminum and 0.7% magnesium, which gives it excellent resistance to corrosion, especially in aqueous and humid environments. It also contains small amounts of other elements, such as iron, silicon and copper, which improve its physical and mechanical properties.
Propiedades químicas | % Valor |
Silicio (Si) | 0.30 |
Cromo (Cr) | 0.10 |
Manganeso (Mn) | 0.20 |
Magnesio (Mg) | 0.5-1.1 |
Cobre | 0.20 |
Titanio (Ti) | – |
Hierro (Fe) | 0.7 |
Cinc (Zn) | 0.25 |
Aluminio (Al) | Balance |
Aluminio 5005 Propiedades Físicas
3.3315 has a density of 2.7 g/cm³, making it a relatively light material. It has a melting point of 607ºC and a boiling point of 2467ºC. Its thermal conductivity is 125 W/mK, and its electrical conductivity is 35.5 MS/m. It is a non-magnetic material and is not flammable.
Property | At | Value | Unit | Property | At | Value | Unit |
Density | 20°C | 2,700 | kg/m3 | Specific Heat | 20°C | 900 | J/kg.°C |
Melting Range | 632 – 655 | °C | Mean Coefficient of Expansion | 20°C | 23.75 x 10-6 | /°C | |
Modulus of Elasticity | Thermal Conductivity | 25°C | 201 | W/m.°C | |||
Tension | 20°C | 68.2 | GPa | Electrical Resistivity | 20°C | 0.033 | micro-ohm.m |
Torsion | 20°C | 25.9 | GPa | Electrical conductivity | |||
Compression | 20°C | 69.5 | GPa | equal volume | 20°C | 52 | % IACS |
equal weight | 20°C | 172 | % IACS |
Aluminio 5005 Propiedades Mecánicas
A95005 has high tensile strength, with a minimum tensile strength of 145 MPa and a maximum tensile strength of 185 MPa. It also has a high fatigue resistance, meaning it can withstand repeated cycles of stresses without failing. It is a malleable and ductile material, which means that it can be formed into different shapes without cracking.
Templado de aleación | Resistencia a la tracción (ksi) |
Límite elástico (ksi) |
Elongación (%) |
5005-O | 18 | 6 | 22 |
5005-H14 | 23 | 22 | 4 |
5005-H18 | 29 | 28 | 2 |
Aluminio 5005 Equivalentes
Estándar europeo | VIEJO | WNr | A NOSOTROS | YO ASI | Estados Unidos (AA) | ALEMANIA (DIN) |
AW-AlCu4Mg1 | AU4G1 | 3.0517 | A95005 | AlCu4Mg | 5005 | AlCuMg2 |
Aluminio 5005 Usos
3.3315 is used in a wide variety of applications, including vehicle construction, sign and billboard manufacturing, boat building, cookware manufacturing, and general construction. It is also used in the manufacturing of electronic components and in the aerospace industry.
Aluminio 5005 Mecanizado
El aluminio 5005 es fácil de maquinar y puede ser cortado con sierras manuales, eléctricas o mecánicas. También se puede perforar, fresar y roscar sin dificultad. Sin embargo, es importante tener cuidado al mecanizar el aluminio 5005 para evitar la aparición de grietas y la deformación.
Aluminio 5005 Resistencia a la Corrosión
3.3315 has excellent corrosion resistance, both in indoor and outdoor environments. It is resistant to oxidation and does not rust easily, making it an excellent choice for applications in wet and saline environments. It is also resistant to corrosion caused by acids and alkalis.
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